Hey popcorns 🍿 (Yes I’m still going to call you that, old habits die hard, right?!)

I really have no idea how to start this post. First of all, hello! VERY long time no blogging, honestly like way too long. Precisely 8 months as Bayance likes to remind me XD

There is no point in me apologising, promising to blog more (I want to blog when I can!) promising to like and comment on everyone’s posts (I’d be there for ever) but I have tried to catch up with a couple of blog’s recent posts, please drop down a comment below so I can go visit your blog (my memory is good, but it’s not that good) ❤

I wanted my first new post to be simple, book-related duh and a light-read, so here goes nothing! 🙂

For my first attempt at a cover image after 8 months, not bad huh?

After reading El’s incredible post (please go check it out right here), I was super inspired to do this! As an avid reader and a Harry Potter fan, this was the perfect event to finally speak my interest in books again, I’m not reading as much as I’d like to, and I want that to change!

I will link everything at the end of this post (if your interested in joining) but I’ll explain a little about, and don’t worry if you feel overwhelmed, because I felt like that too! You have the chance to choose what you would like to specialise in, you scroll through lots of choices and you can add a seminar if you want a challenge! Like I did that was a big mistake (it wasn’t). You then discover the qualifications you’ll need for that particular class (eg. Herbology Defence Against The Dark Arts) and then you go read the prompts for each of those classes (eg. Astronomy – read a majority of this book when it’s dark outside) and find a book to match! You have the whole of April to complete this, good luck if you decide to be a part of this ❤

There are O.W.L’s as well, but that’s a completely different post that will probably be a whole lot longer with all the books I’ll be reading.

If your confused, don’t worry it’s totally fine, I was too at the start 😂

I had a massive decision over what career path I wanted to take, but eventually settled with Aurologist (if any of you know about my crazy obsession with the trilogy Dark Matter by Teri Terry you’ll know about my obsession with auras!) I was super interested in this, and I only had to have 3 O.W.L.’s. Here’s an info poster on my career path if your interested:

Because I’m completely out of my mind I decided that I wanted a challenge, I decided to take part in the ‘Magical Shop Mangement’ seminar! The description really interested me, and it’s only demanding an acceptable grade in O.W.L’s and N.E.W.T’s. Anyways, enough of my rambling let’s jump straight into the books I’ll be reading for each class! ⭐️



Night classes: read a majority of this book when it’s dark outside

This book has been sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust for a long time! It’s finally time I start reading it. This was obviously the easiest prompt, as it could literally be any book.


Third eye: assign numbers to your TBR and use a random number generator to pick your read

Another book that’s been collecting a lot of dust in my bookshelf. I think this was a really cool prompt, as it forces you to read off your if it’s like mine very long TBR! I’ll definitely be doing this more in the future!

History Of Magic

Witch hunts: book featuring witches/wizards

I’m so excited to start reading this! 💗 I absolutely love Magnus Bane, he was one of my favourite characters in The Shadowhunters and I can’t wait to read a whole book dedicated to him! I have so many books about witches and wizards, it was tricky to pick.

Magical Shop Management Seminar – Arithmancy

Magical qualities of number 2: balance/opposites – read something outside your favourite genre

This book was given to me by my half brother, and it’s philosophical fiction which is totally outside of my reading comfort zone. Apparently this is a must-read, I usually wouldn’t be remotely interested in a book about a guy on a boat with a few animals (somehow I made that seem so basic) but I’m going to give it a go! Good luck to me when I’m doing N.E.W.T arithmancy, I’ll end up reading one awful, predictable romance book! SOS!

That pretty much concludes this post! Click here to be directed to the website, where you can come join the fun ❤️ I promise you, it will be totally worth it. It’s so much fun planning out all the books you’re going to read! Even if you are a little late, you can still join!

Thanks so much for reading this far! I’ll be doing a post at the end of April re-capping all of this and letting you know how it went (hopefully good!) so look out for that ❤️ A few questions below for you to answer, and that’s pretty much this post concluded. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (a lot)!

What was your favourite part of this post? Are you going to join this Magical Readathon? Have you read any of the books mentioned (let me know your ratings?) Have you missed me and am glad I’m back?

That’s a wrap! Happy reading! 📖

ps. I’ll be entering for Hufflepuff house! 💛 Hufflepuff for the win 💗

30 thoughts on “MAGICAL READATHON 2020 O.W.L TBR! 📖

  1. I really want to do this but I was too late 😭 I know there’s NEWTs so I may do that but I want to do OWLs first I think. Maybe next year?
    Also I so need to read The Bane Chronicles. I did start it, and loved the stories that I read, so idk what happened 🤔 I think I borrowed it as an ebook from the library, got ill and ran out of time. Maybe. I so want to read all of Cassandra Clares books this year though. Some as rereads to refresh my memories and some so I can finally experience them for the first time 😍

    1. Awh no 😭 That’s okay! There is always next time, yes add it to your diary for next year or just set a reminder on your phone or something! 💕
      Oh do finish it, I disliked the first story but I ate up the rest of them, they were so good!! Oh no that sucks, why do illnesses always come at the wrong time?! That’s amazing, I’m looking to read the next series after The Mortal Instruments, I can’t wait! Enjoy your re-reads!! 💕 Thank you so much for checking out my blog and reading my posts, I’ll check out your blog ASAP! 🙂

      1. Good idea!! ❤️
        I just looked up the content page to check what the first one was. I can’t actually remember it 😂 but I did love the second one. I immediately looked on Goodreads for books set in France after that one. Then never got to the next 😔 it may not have been an illness, I’m just guessing as there must have been a reason why I didn’t finish it 🤔 if it wasn’t that then it was probably when my phone line got cut through and I had no internet to access the libraries copy. Ooh yay I hope you love it. Do you mean the one that starts with Lady Midnight? If so I loved the first two books of that series 😍😍 still need to read the third though.
        Thank you. And it’s fine I loved the posts that I read ☺️ I haven’t posted in ages (I took a break) but saw your page mentioned when I was catching up on other people’s posts. I am planning to start posting again very soon though.

        1. Thank you!! Oh don’t worry life is so eventful sometimes I struggle to remember what I had for breakfast 😂 Oh no, that must have been a nightmare when your phone line was cut though! Gah that is devastating. Me too! Yes that’s it I forget what the series is called 😂 I’m glad you loved it, I think I’ll love it too!! Anything Shadowhunter and I’m in to win it!
          Of course, that is so kind! Don’t worry my break lasted 8 months before I came back in March, that’s awesome! So glad you found my blog, I will look our for some new posts from you! 🙂

          1. True 😅 yeah especially as it happened more than once in a couple of months. You’d think after the first time the people digging up the street would have been more careful. I think it’s The Infernal Artifices but Im not sure. I get the series titles mixed up 😂 I hope you will love it ❤️ im really looking forward to reading Chain Of Gold but want to reread Clockwork Angel (I never remember that series name 🙈) first. But yes I adore Shadowhunters 😍
            Aww thank you ☺️ and I’ll look out from ones from you too ❤️❤️

            1. Ah sorry for the double comment but the series names just came to me when I read it back through. The Dark Artifices & The Infernal Devices (I think). Knew I’d get them mixed up.

            2. What for real?! We’re they brain dead 😂 Ah yes that does ring a bell, I think you are right!! I’m sure I will, me too!! 😊 Ooo is Chain Of Gold another Shadowhunter novel?! Ah same they are just too good!!
              No worries aw aha hopefully I can post today 💓

              1. No idea but it took forever to get fixed 😔 Yes it is ☺️ it came out in March and has a historical setting again (plus the most gorgeous cover 😍)
                Ooh yay ☺️

                1. Oh gosh I don’t think I could have coped 😞 Ooo I’ll definitely be checking it out then, covers on books are just e v e r y t h i n g 😂 *I know I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but I do*

  2. So I’ve finally sat down to comment on this queen’s posts and YES THOSE 8 MONTHS WERE LONG AND LONELY W/O AMBER! It better be the last time you do this to us. 😂 The challenge seems so cool! Do you have to pick one of the categories or do all of them? And ahh Nerve was so good but I didn’t read the book. I think I stopped being a bookworm like what is happening here? Amber give me tips to revive the bookworm spirit. 😂

    1. Aww why thank you your majesty 😂 Muchly appreciated! I actually sound like a queen that’s what is sad lol. THOSE MONTHS WERE ALSO LONG AND LOVELY W/O BAYANCE! 😔 I promise you – it will be! 😂 It really is, I’m having so much fun doing it! So each day or whenever days you decide to write, you move on to each day so you’ll see each box is labelled ‘Day 1’ or ‘Day 2’ so you progress through the days if that makes sense, writing a short story for each writing prompt! 😊 That’s great to know – aw I’d give the book to you if I could! 📚 Bayance you disgrace to the book worm community 😂 It’s totally fine – you’ve just given me more posting ideas but here are some things I recommend:
      1. Choose a book to read that is your favourite genre or you’ll know you’l like because you’ve read the author’s book before, etc.
      2. Read in a calm atmosphere, maybe light a candle and get out a blanket, to make sure your comfortable!
      3. Set a timer for how long you’re going to read, and you have to AT LEAST read for all that time, I recommend a 20-30 minute timer. One that timer has gone off, I promise you’ll want to online with the book!
      4. Put electronics away. In a draw, a cupboard, get your parents to hide them. Just switch off un-needed distractions and keep your mind focused on the book.

      And that’s all on Amber’s Four Quick And Easy Tips To Become A Bookworm 😂 Ta ta darlings! (I was trying to be all queenly 😆)

    2. Wait, wait, wait! Ignore what I said about the categories, I was confused between the writing and reading challenge 😂 So with the reading challenge, you have to read different categories, so if your one of your NEWT’s is Astronomy, you have to read that book a tight time 🌓 You choose a career path and discover what boo prompts you need for it, and then you pick your books and bam! Done! 😂

  3. so great to see you back 🥳🤩! You’ve really inspired me to re-enter the blogosphere☺️! I’ve read ‘It only happens in the movies’ and it was honestly such a moving story, and not what I expected ( in a good way!) 📖💗I think I’m actually going to join the magical readathon! I never usually do things like this , but with quarantine and everything i think it’s the perfect time 😂🥳! Good luck with the challenge 🍿🥰 💗

    1. Thanks so much 😊 I’m so happy to be back! 💫 Yes you definitely should, let me know if you do- I’ll be looking out for a post from you on my reader 📖 Wow, thanks so much for the rating! That’s good to know and I will look forward to reading this (hopefully it might be even better as I get to read it at night tie when I’m all cozy 😴 🌓) You so should – I don’t either but now is the perfect time to start new things like these 😆 Thanks so much – if you do participate, let me know! I’d love to know the career path you decide to take ❣ Mechlin appreciated – good luck if you do it! Thanks for reading and commenting, hope your staying safe! x

  4. Life of pi is a book I haven’t heard about for AGES! I’ve never read it though so tell me if it’s good! A book I have read though is it only happens in the movies, I borrowed it of my friend who has a signed copy *sighs dreamily* I would love a signed copy of something one day, anyway it was pretty cute from what I can remember but a bit meh – hope you like it though 😂 (and I didn’t just put you off!) Welcome back officially! 💕💕

    1. Hehe, I’m glad I could enlighten you! 😂 I will do, I’m gonna re-cap at the end of April so I can summarise whether the book was a good read 🥰 Aw same! On like my life bucket list *I totally haven’t made a life bucket list* *uhm* one of them is to get a book signed! I want to get a book signed by Cassandra Clare, or Rick Riordian! Ah okay – well, wish me luck! Hopefully I enjoy it 💗 You haven’t put me off at all – don’t worry! Aw thanks – it’s lovely to be back 💗

    Girl we missed you soo much and I’m so glad you’ve decided to come back!! When I saw your post in my reader I was like WOAH need to go check it out ASAP!! I hope you post more often but don’t stress out 💙 it’s kinda a sucky time everywhere so I hope you’re staying safe!! xx
    Also, regarding Life of Pi, the movie is literally amazing and I’m actually rewatching it today with my family, what a coincidence haha. I started the book and it was… boring but maybe you can watch the movie instead? 😂 jk jk… unless??
    Anyways, good luck with the readathon!! We missed you loadss 🍿🍿 xx

      Aw I missed you so much – honestly, me too! Haha yes I can imagine a lot of shocked faces when they saw that 🤣 Thank you so much ❤️ I want to post as often as I can, because after rant long time away I have a lot of making up to do lol!! That means a lot Aditi ❤️ It really is – I think that’s part of the reason I came back to blogging – I have this time so I should put it to good use! 🙂 You too xx That’s such a coincidence! Yes I’ll be 100% watching it after reading it (if I can get through it, eek!). Don’t hold back Adi, really 🤣 Lol I’m low-key dreading reading it, but maybe I’ll love it…?! But I probably won’t! Honestly, I wish, but that kinda defies the purpose of it 🤣 Thanks so much Adi – Let’s hope I get through it and mange to read all the books!! I missed y’all so much too 🍿🥺 So buzzed to be back! xx

        I’m so glad you’re back- tbh I thought you ditched us 🥺😭 and I wasn’t expecting you to come back 😯<3 yesss stay safe but use the time well 😉 xx
        YA YOU NEED TO WATCH THE MOVIE,,, it has the most beautiful music and it's set in India and aghh. Of course, good luck!! ❤ x

        1. HAHA! 🤣
          Awww 🥺 If I’m being totally honest (which I try to be!) I thought I’d put blogging into the past, but then I suddenly just had this urge to blog again and read people’s blogs, and meet lovely friends (like you!) so I’m so happy I acted upon it and re-joined the blogosphere! 💕😍 Expect the unexpected when it comes to me 🙂

  6. I read the Bane Chronicles a long time ago but I reckon I will be picking it back up very soon as I want to read all of the Mortal Instrument books again so that I can play catch up and get my hands on the latest books! 📚 I got Life of Pi from the library once and tried to read it but I just couldn’t get into it so I hope you have better luck with it! ✨ I might have to try a readathon out as they look like so much fun 😄 Great post! Take care 💕

    1. That’s great! 💗 Do you remember if it was good or not? I’m defo looking forward to reading it 📖 For sure, the Mortal Instruments series is amazing and so are the others ❤️ That’s honestly the book I’m most dreading reading, yes let’s hope! 🤣 Definitely – better late than never, right? Thank you so much for reading and commenting 🥺 You too! x

      1. To be honest, I can’t remember much of it but I think I thought that it was different from the other books because I was so used to having all of the main characters together but it was still really good because of course it was still by Cassandra Clare! 😂 Yes, better late than never! ✨💕

        1. Ah yes, it sounds really good – thank you for the tiny review! 💖 Yes I think it will be different in that way but fingers crossed 🤞 I enjoy it! Ah yes Cassandra Clare is so talented ❤️ Are you doing any readathons or going to join this one? If you love Harry Potter you’ll love it!

            1. Yes, you definitely should! I roomies you it will be worth it, if you decide to participate in it, please let me know what books you are doing! 📚

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