British Slang Gone Wrong // a collab based on a buddy read 📚

Hey popcorns! 🍿

Before we begin THIS IS NOT A TAG. Yes, I am breaking my own totally unprepared tag week rules, now we can continue!

Me and El @ Elated Books, a talented book blogger whose blog design is AMAZING and whose posts never fail to make me smile, did a buddy read of Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins and there was a lot me and El had to say about it so you can check out my review and/or El’s review, those links will take you straight to Goodreads. I’m all about making life simple for you all 😂

In the book Sweet Evil, there was a character called Kai who was supposedly ‘British’ but it was extremely obvious to me and El that the author had literally googled British slang (this book was published in 2008 might I add) without taking part in any proper research.

To commemorate our buddy read we decided to do a post all about our extremely comedic reactions to British slang words that are common in this day and age. We had a massive chat on Google Hangouts but El has been very lovely end done lots of editing of our conversation so you get the good bits and not lots of off topic conversations which we did a lot 😉 I’ve also formatted it out in texting format so it’s easier to follow too!

You can find our reactions/strories to the other words by reading El’s collab post (please make sure do that because I’m sure it’s going to be 10 times more amazing then mine! 😆)

Now sit back, relax and enjoy!!

this collab image will make sense soon… 😂

A: Alrighty at least here’s one. Isn’t it like the new thing to say ‘calm’ and ‘safe’

E: Let’s start with calm (god I keep writing clam) then & since it was ur idea u can lead 😉(definitely not an excuse what u saying??)

A: Sounds good! Wait I’m leading?

A: Okay so I’m reacting to the word calm?

E: Yesssss take the floor Amber!

A: Perfect! Okay I feel like there’s pressure here like I’m in a group chat or something.

E: Umhmm we’re all gonna judge u – me & all the demon gargoyle spirits hanging around persuading u to the dark side

A: I always remember when my friends told me about the word ‘calm’ and what it meant and every time we did something I’d keep saying ‘oh yeah it’s calm’ and once we were ordering some food and the cashier person told me how much change I was getting and I was like ‘it’s calm’ and she just stared at me for a really long time and it was hilarious 😂

A: I literally said it so much because I thought it was just such a weird word to use!

E: Oops 😂 Yh sometimes I say stuff to adults forgetting they have no clue what I’m talking about

A: Exactly! I never say it now though, it just sounds weird whenever I try to say it to sound ‘in’ 😂

E: I don’t think I’ve ever actually said calm (maybe I’m just not a chill enough person 😔) but I’ve definitely heard it around

E: So hey Amber ur obviously cooler than me

A: Awh no!! I only use it in a jokey way.

A: Haha I’m the furthest from cool you can get!

A: Like we’re talking regions away from cool 😂

E: I am a whole continent away from cool

E: Maybe even 2

A: That’s pretty hard to beat but I’m a galaxy away from cool.

E: I would keep going but I literally do not know enough about space quantities

A: Me neither, moving on to the next word..

E: Peng

A: Oh god.

E: Hehe


E: Haha 😅

A: Especially when guys say:

A: She’s so peng

A: I meant I hate this word sorry 😂

A: Like bring back classy guys please

E: Ngl I say it in my head a lot 😂 like when I’m scrolling through insta & see someone pretty BUT rest assured I’d never say it out loud unironically

A: Really?! It’s because you live in London, you guys are all slangy 😆


E: It’s something that I never said & then everyone at school used it so much & here we are

A: I guess I just find it kinda unspecific? Like the word peng: what does it mean? When you call someone gorgeous or stunning it means they look nice you know

E: Speaking of: another word on here is fit

E: Which is so much nicer to say but I don’t rlly say it?


A: FIRST OF ALL, fit actually means someone who works out a lot. I don’t know who the heck made fit a compliment but whoever did

A: I feel like I can’t say to people ‘I like feeling fit’ because some idiot changed it to meaning eye candy

A: Don’t be eye candy, be soul food 🙂

E: YESSSS my new motto

E: it’s like saying I’m rlly hot & then ppl look at u funny

A: Exactly!! I just really wish someone could take it back 😂

E: I mean I do get where it originated from bc like ppl with fit bodies but 🤷‍

A: True, true

A: I just find the way guys speak to girls so offensive now, it’s all about how you look and if you look good then you look good for them, apparently you’re not allowed to look good for yourself

A: Sorry small rant there about pretty much the whole race of males

A: Well maybe it’s just teenagers

E: Hmm ppl in art class where playing smash or pass in like YEAR 8


A: In their dreams.

E: I’m like I wouldn’t wanna smash u either love

A: HAHA! El you just said love, you are British

A: Kai would love you 😂

E: Hehe demon boy come to me *grabby hands*


E: Ooo while we’re here let’s talk about Love 😂

A: Like love?

A: Like the meaning of love?

A: *a force from above*

A: Just me who knows that song?

E: Wait what is it? It’s tugging at smth in my brain

A: Just finding the music video

A: No it’s the song that goes


A: A force from aboveee

A: Imagine me in karaoke

A: song link

A: Frankie Goes To Hollywood

A: Honestly lucky Frankie

A: I would kill to go to Hollywood!!

E: Huh never heard of it or maybe I have idk





A: A force from above!!

E: Wait we never talked about love um to sum it up I say it ironically or when I’m mad at a person I’ll be like well how I used it above 😂

A: Really?! I do get you but I would usually say hun instead

A: It must be the spangly Londoners

E: Hun is kinda American so 👀

A: I hope you have the word ‘sick’ on your list

E: I do not – sick is like American right? But if u wanna amber rant go for it now’s ur chance


A: Once someone said that’s sick when they were talking about something

A: So I said you’re sick as in you’re gross

A: And he said thanks

A: And then I face palmed 😂

E: That’s one thing I don’t get sick can mean like that’s disgusting but it can also mean cool???

A: Yep it’s like ulterior meanings, I use it when I mean disgusting.

A: Like if someone didn’t flush the toilet I’d be like that’s sick

A: That was a weird example!!

A: Me every time I walk into public toilets though

E: Next word I wanna stop talking about toilets & vomiting

A: I’m sorry and for sure!

A: My mum just asked me to watch tv with her and I was like ‘I’m having a meeting here’

A: Where we talk about our favourite Haribos, very professional 😂

E: Hehe yes I’m a very important businesss person (who can’t spell business apparently)

A: You sure are haha we understand the spelling struggles 😅

E: Butters which is kinda a lil old but still

A: What does that mean?

E: Ok I’m waiting for another Amber ‘beauty expectations suck’ rant bc it means ugly 😂

A: Oh no okay moving in 😂

A: Wait I’m not moving in!

A: Stupid autocorrect

A: I’m moving on


A: Wait what?

A: Is that what butters means?

E: No no amber it’s fine 😅

E: Beauty expectations are [ugly]

E: Next is a ~ chav ~

E: Which is another meme 😂

A: Oh my-

E: tracksuit central

A: Okay not gonna lie we have big memes about being ‘British chavs’

A: Tracksuit central is probably a shop where they all go

E: Chavs are like the dodgy ppl that hang out around Tesco’s in tracksuits

E: Tell me there’s not a more accurate definition 😂

A: There’s not a more accurate definition

A: But what you are saying is v true

A: It’s bear true

A: 😂

A: Okay so I feel like there’s a step to step guide about how to be a chav 😂

A: you can get girl chavs too though

E: What would u say girl chavs wear?

E: I’m trynna visualise them 😂

A: I googled girl chavs

E: Our search history is gonna be so mad after this

A: Picture foundation so orange it’s like an Oompa Loompa, heavy pencilled eyebrows, bright lipstick, heavy eyeshadow and usually dress in a tracksuit

E: *we were looking at a picture* someone needs to take her blush away

A: And blush!

A: lot of blush

E: So much bronzer & contour too


A: True that, I’ve never used bronzer

E: I am as pale as paper so I don’t even go there

A: Lol! I’m orange as an orange.

A: My natural skin colour is tanned

E: That made me laugh so much idk why 😅

A: I always get asked where I’ve been on holiday 😂

A: I’ve been on holiday to my kitchen- 😂

E: Don’t say ur a natural Donald trump 👀

A: Glad to make you laugh and omg no!

A: More natural

A: Less orange

A: Okay is that all the words? It must be….

A: We can do it if we B and Q it!

E: Omg Amber no-

A: AY, OH! Let’s go!

E: Favourite slogans? I like the A O LET’S GO also we gonna knock *knock knock* on wood


E: I knowwww why are we the same brain??

A: We are the same brain 😂

A: #brainconnections



E: Have u seen the singing dog advert?

A: The singing dog?

A: I don’t think so?!

E: Flash dog link

E: It’s so weird but so good watch it 😅

A: I’m watching it now!

A: I’ve seen it before!

A: Sorry I have an awful memory

E: I wasn’t very specific tbf 😂

A: “Have you seen the singing dog advert?”

A: Need a break?

A: Have a Kit-Kat

A: Can we just talk about the cute dogs on the Andrew advert 🥺



A: Omg or you know those meerkats in the advert?

E: Hmmm the meerkat movie ones I kinda wanna strangle those

E: Apart from the baby he can live

A: The baby is adorable


A: El watching TV:

I kinda want to strangle you

E: Yes

A: Or you know that guy who’s hanging off a helicopter talking about broadband?

E: We have 2 left let’s finish this 😂

E: Dutty – I have used this out loud ONCE & I remember it very clearly 😂

E: My story is just the guy sitting next to me was annoying me & I think he messed up his sheet & wanted to swap & I was like hell no

A: Omg for real? What does dutty mean?

E: Just dirty but like ppl decided to mess the word up

A: Right that seems to be a ‘common occurrence’

E: Ok another missed spelling because ppl are too lazy to say the h – ting

A: OMG yes

A: When people say you know that ting you were talking about

A: *cough: thing*

E: Or she’s a proper peng ting I’m like she’s a human being actually


A: •.

A: What was that 😂

E: I think we’ve both got a bit high on catch phrases 😂

A: We are 😂 there’s only so many tings you can say about ting

A: At least it’s legal right?

E: legal high baby

E: Haribos & advert slogans (unlike Anna *cough cough*)


A: Also you know the Haribo advert?

A: When the adults are like

A: I like the heart because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

A: I like the egg because it goes sizzle sizzle in a pan

A: Omg why do I know this

E: Haha my turn to send help

E: But yes & they’re on the train Station for some reason?

A: Has my help arrive yet? 😂


A: It must be so cool going on a train like just having a train station

A: And the subway!

A: You can play real subway surfers 😂

E: Um the tube amber – alas it is not as glamorous as it looks

A: I’m sorry I’m too American 😂

A: I’m not even American. I can imagine. I just remember holding onto the monkey bars on it and then almost falling into this elderly man

E: I was on the tube with my friends & one of them stood up & she just full on fell into this person’s lap 😂 luckily we got off at that stop

A: Omg that’s awkward!

A: So the only train we have is this tiny one that is actually on wheels where the tourists with their I-brought-my-whole-house-in-this-gargantuan-backpack get on

A: And they’re always carrying around maps

A: Like hello it’s not like this island is TINY or anything

I hope you all had fun reading me and El’s reactions and stories to all these British slang words and not all Brits talk like this okay!! I promise 😂

Again, please remember to go check out El’s post for our reactions to the other words, I hope you all are doing okay and I’ll be seeing you on Sunday & Monday before my September hiatus… bye for now!

Funniest british slang word? Favourite reaction(s)? Any other thoughts?

That’s a wrap, stay safe you all 😊

p s . i m a g i n e i f w e h a d t o s o c i a l d i s t a n c e l e t t e r s 😂

19 thoughts on “British Slang Gone Wrong // a collab based on a buddy read 📚

  1. I’m British and I know hardly any of this slang. Although tbh I’ve probably seen some of it – like ‘ting’ and just thought that someone couldn’t spell 😂 and sick is just weird. Why use that to mean good? I’ve seen some of the other words but tbh I tend to just think wth does that mean then never check? Besides Stan which I googled one day as i saw it so often that I felt lost 🙈 basically I suck at slang.

    also, peng is THE WEIRDEST WORD EVER what’s going on sirs??? why would you call someone peng? EW. IT SOUNDS WEIRD. “i’M pEnG” ew ew
    also, I say ‘love’ and is hun an American thing? i guess it is 😂 and ‘fit’ is just in good physical condition, it’s so weird that it’s slang lol.
    MY BROTHER USES ‘SICK’ AND IT’S SO AMERICAN AND EVERYONE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL USES IT. but I don’t bc it’s kind of weird imo. like why is something good supposed to make me visualize vomit-
    as an American this entire post confuses me SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭 why would you say chav??? or butters??? or dutty or ting ???
    also why r we talking about d*nald tr*mp, please use a trigger warning, it’s traumatic for us americans- 😭💔
    girl i get you, men be trash sometimes/all the time 😶 but it’s okay i love my brother XD

  3. I’m cringing so hard at peng omg, I remember hearing ppl say it all the time in my school (not just guys) and I just…who thought peng was a good slang term it was bad enough that they repurposed fit to mean hot/attractive and not just physically fit and healthy.

    Oooo ok I use love a lot when talking to people online, but you wouldn’t hear me saying it aloud at all, I call people love online though it flows better through typing than me verbally saying it xD

    Sick meaning cool has always confused me, along with wicked meaning cool too like it all depends heavily on the context and sometimes I do wonder how anyone can understand us. Ah chav’s…ok story time and a slight tangent but where I live and went to school was a pretty posh/middle class area but our secondary school did take in kids from other areas which are classed as more ‘chavvy’. So it always, always cracked me up seeing kids who are from posher/middle class areas dressing and talking in a chavvy way because I just…who are you trying to kid? It’s one thing if you’re from that area but when you’re not it’s pretty damned obvious imo.

    I remember hating peng a lot in school, even now I just…no I can’t I couldn’t stand hearing people saying it. Creasing is also slang I believe, though that’s a newish one as it means laughing, we didn’t have that when I was in school think I was in college for that >.> Ah I loved your post Amber and loved reading your witty dialogue with El! ❤

    1. I agree, peng is just awful. It’s so over used at school! How can a pen be peng? Please, someone, send help! 😂 That it my biggest rant ever, what do you call yourself if you’re fit (physically) like yes I am in good shape? Welp!

      I understand that, everything flows a lot easier online ❤️ I used to call people lovely a lot online but you’d never catch me saying it verbally because I tried it once and it did not sound right 😂 Been there, done that and god the mortification you’re show for it!

      Yes I hate the sick and cool thing but I do like wicked for some reason even though I never say it? I just like it when people 😂 English language is so hard to learn. Oh yes you’re very upper class? Kidding 😂 Yes chav wannabe’s are the worst, don’t act like a chav if you’re not an original because it just won’t work!! Even though the chavs get the guys? How does that work?

      Uh yes me neither. Omg creasing? Never heard of it 😂 I’d say it if my clothes were created though! Thanks so much for stopping by Clo and it means a lot you read and commented on my post 💖

  4. Omg I loved this!! The interaction is fantastic and I giggled and chuckled the whole way (I have experienced similar situations loads and it’s quite fun 😂). Fantastic post as aways!!!❤️❤️

    1. Thanks so much Blondey!! So glad we could both make your life and glad you could relate 😂 Thank you so much for commenting and reading 🙂

  5. I came here from El’s post and honestly your two’s conversation is so hilarious 😂 (also feel like I phrased that in a very British way, must be all the slang seeping in haha)

    I live in such a chavvy area, I was having a right laugh when you got to that bit. Especially the girl chavs, on top of everything you said they also all wear hot pink puffs jackets and put their hair up in really messy buns. And walk around blaring rubbish music from their phone 😂

    I don’t know where peng came from, it’s such a stupid word. I usually hear women getting called “a peng bird” and like, it’s gross please stop 😅 This post was so funny, thanks for a good laugh 😆

    1. Omg welcome!! 💖 Thank you for stopping by, oh no did you not know the British eat of speaking is contagious? 😂 We’ve infected you already!

      Oh no that must be 24/7 cringe central. Haha! Omg the hot pink puff jackets how could I forget them, god they’re awful though!! Messy buns that are just way too OTT on the messy part and not cute at all. Oh don’t start on the music part… are they deaf?! Such great points!!

      I hate the word peng, you’re totally right. It’s just a word that the male species use because they have no vocabulary and under-developed brains 🤷🏼‍♀️ “A peng bird” is just so demeaning to woman honestly. They call themselves feminists! Of course, I’m so glad it was funny and thanks for stopping by ❤️

    1. THANKS EL WASN’T IT SO SICK? 😂 They sure are, 50% sale at Tracksuit Central today… I was thinking of getting myself a pair! Just kidding 😅

  6. Hahaha loved this!! The interaction between you and El was the best, jeez I was chuckling throughout this entire post.
    Also, I feel very educated now bc I basically didn’t know any of the these slangs 😂

    1. Yay! ❤️ Makes me so happy you enjoyed it. Haha we are the quite the comedic duo 😂 Omg we educated you hehe, you learn something new everyday! Thanks so much for reading and commenting Lucy ☺️

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